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The Essence of “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” in the Costumes of the 2024 Paris Paralympics: An Artistic Creation by Didiet Maulana

Costumes for the 2024 Paris Paralympics designed by Didiet Maulana showcase Indonesian unity and diversity

The upcoming 2024 Paris Paralympics, scheduled to begin on August 28, 2024, will feature the hard work and determination of Indonesian Paralympians. As the preparations for the event continue, one crucial aspect being finalized is the design of the costumes to be worn by the Indonesian contingent. While the costumes for the 2024 Paris Olympics were designed by Didit Hediprasetyo, this time, the responsibility has been entrusted to Didiet Maulana through his brand, IKAT Indonesia by Didiet Maulana. The costumes draw inspiration from the spirit of “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” (Unity in Diversity), serving as a strong foundation for their design.

Collaborating with Mills, the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora), and the National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia (NPC), Didiet Maulana has presented a collection that includes jackets, jerseys, and track pants. The design not only focuses on aesthetics but also embodies the values of unity and diversity, which are integral to the Indonesian nation.

The “Sandya Niskala” design series incorporates elements of traditional ikat weaving, representing the richness and diversity of Indonesian culture. It also features geometric patterns inspired by dynamic ocean waves, symbolizing Indonesia’s identity as an archipelagic nation. These motifs are said to represent the struggle and optimism of the athletes in competition.

The design also draws inspiration from the Garuda Pancasila, the national emblem of Indonesia. The feather motif symbolizes strength, unity, and solidarity, while the color scheme includes red for courage, white for purity, gold for grandeur and glory, and touches of gray for responsibility. These colors aim to bring an energetic vibe and good hopes for the Indonesian athletes competing in the Paralympics.

In a bid to celebrate the athletes, an exclusive photo session was organized with Indonesian Paralympians participating in the 2024 Paris Paralympics. Athletes from various disciplines took part in the session, which aimed to honor their spirit and dedication as representatives of Indonesia on the global stage.

The “Sandya Niskala” collection is set to inspire and empower the athletes, embodying unity and sportsmanship. The collection will be accessible through social media channels and available for purchase through Mills coinciding with the 2024 Paris Summer Paralympic Games.

Overall, the costumes designed by Didiet Maulana for the 2024 Paris Paralympics, along with the previous designs by Didit Hediprasetyo for the 2024 Paris Olympics, symbolize pride, unity, and nationalism for Indonesia on the international stage.

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