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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Menelusuri Upaya Janji Kampanye Iwan Bule: Membawa Kebahagiaan dan Kesejahteraan bagi Rakyat

Iwan Bule’s Campaign Promise: I Just Want the People to be Happy and Prosperous

As the general election for the Indonesian House of Representatives approaches in the second week of February, the public is faced with a variety of choices of legislative candidates offering campaign promises to improve welfare and balance in various aspects of life.

One candidate who has been attracting public attention is Komjen. Pol. (Purn.) Dr. Drs. H. Mochamad Iriawan, S.H., M.M., M.H., better known as Iwan Bule. Iwan Bule offers a vision and mission focused on the welfare of the community, a central issue in the Jabar X constituency. He emphasizes the importance of ensuring that every citizen feels the positive impact of the policies implemented by the Indonesian House of Representatives. “I believe that the welfare of the people must be the top priority. If entrusted by the people, I just want to work hard to ensure that every legislative step taken will directly benefit the people,” said Iwan Bule in every campaign speech he gives.

Through various open meetings and dialogues with constituents, he also explained his plans to develop comprehensive welfare programs. There are several points revealed by this 1984 Akpol graduate regarding comprehensive welfare programs. Some of these points include providing assistance to less fortunate families, improving access to education and healthcare, and building infrastructure that can provide employment opportunities for the community.

In implementing welfare programs, he is committed to involving various parties, including non-governmental organizations and local companies. This is expected to create a strong synergy between the government, the private sector, and the community in achieving shared welfare. Meanwhile, when asked about his plans regarding the prices of basic necessities, Iwan Bule explained that meeting the basic needs of the people is an integral aspect of the welfare concept he promotes.

“Food security must be our top priority. One important issue in West Java that I believe should not escape our attention is the availability of basic necessities for the people. All elected representatives and public officials must work together with relevant parties to stabilize the prices of basic necessities and ensure an adequate supply of food for all layers of the community,” he explained.

Meanwhile, in the context of fuel prices, Iwan Bule emphasizes the importance of policies that can meet the needs of the people without burdening their wallets. In an informal meeting in Ciamis with the community on January 12, 2024, he stated that as a representative of the people, his responsibility is to seek fair and affordable solutions. “I understand the economic burden felt by many of our families. I will fight for policies that can keep fuel prices affordable without sacrificing quality and environmental sustainability,” he said.

Iwan Bule, who is also active in posting his activities on his personal Instagram @mochamadiriawan84, also highlights the importance of effective law enforcement in creating a safe and just society. When interviewed by a number of human rights activists, he expressed his views on the need for fair and non-discriminatory law enforcement. “Law enforcement must be carried out without discrimination. I will support steps to strengthen law enforcement agencies and ensure that every citizen receives proper legal protection,” he emphasized.

The Jabar X constituency, with its unique demographic and economic characteristics, requires representation that can embrace diversity and respond to local issues with concrete solutions. Through a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the local community, Iwan Bule demonstrates his connection to the everyday reality of his constituents. It is important to note that all campaign promises made by Iwan Bule consistently address the specific concerns and needs of the people in the West Java X Electoral District.

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